Performer, Theatre Practitioner & Choreographer

Since completing my training in MA Advanced Theatre Practice (Distinction) at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (2012-2013), I have prioritised creating new performance work that challenges the mundane and plays with the absurdities of life. I am a versatile contemporary performer, with intuitive comic timing, vast ensemble collaboration experience, an acute physical awareness that enables me to excel in dance and movement-orientated performance, and a wide vocal range. In conjunction with performing, I produce the work that I create, and I run workshops for both young people and adults to help participants to utilise their performance skills, whilst focusing on devising and physical theatre techniques.
Personal Website: www.katherinevince.co.uk
Lecturer in Drama for The University of East Anglia
Teaching: Devised Performance & Practical Acting Skills
Current work: September 2019 – Present
(Previous terms: Feb ‘18-Aug ‘19, Sept ‘18-Jan ‘19, Sept ‘17–Jan ‘18, Sept ‘16–Jan ‘17, Sept ‘15–Jan ‘16)
Producer, Writer & Performer for Twisted Reality Productions
January 2019 - Present
Choreographer & Dance Practitioner for Modern Musical Theatre at The Theatre Royal Norwich
January 2020 – August 2020* (finished in March due to Covid-19)
Choreographer & Performer & Production Supervisor for Warner Brothers’ The Polar Express on the Mid-Norfolk Railway
August 2019 – Present
Choreographer, Devisor, Dramaturg & Performer for Still Fluid Productions, in assoc. with Rabo de Foguete.
February 2019 – Present (previous project stages: March-May 2017 & August 2017) *Still Fluid now runs under Twisted Reality banner.
Performer, Devisor & Co-producer for Feral Foxy Ladies Theatre Company
September 2014 – February 2019
Performer, Devisor & Producer for The Sun Apparatus Theatre Company LTD.
April 2013 – September 2019
Director & Drama Teacher for Wensum Junior School’s Working-as-Artists Project
April 2017
Contemporary Dance Teacher for Connect Dance Company, The Garage Trust.
June – July 2016
Performer, Puppeteer & Devisor for KinAesthetic Theatre Company
April – May 2016
Performer & Devisor for Immersive Theatre with Plunge Theatre
February – March 2014
FOR FURTHER DETAILS ON CV - Email Katherine at katherinerosevince@gmail.com
Reviews of I Would Like to Get to Know You by Feral Foxy Ladies:
“It is a piece of its time, and yet so universal that it will speak to generations to come.”
“enlightening, delightful and genuinely funny” (THE UPCOMING ★★★★★)
“Hearty laughter abounds in this sharp and sophisticated production” (LONDON THEATRE 1 ★★★★)
Reviews of Balancing Acts by Feral Foxy Ladies & Kaleido Film Collective:
“particularly mesmerising movement… Vince is effortless, [and] as a performer is
extremely authentic and brave.” (LONDON THEATRE 1)
“Vince is the key to the performance’s impact… an incredibly physical performer- she brings mental processes into the physical realm” (A YOUNGER THEATRE)
“Vince’s performances are both versatile and compelling” (THE REVIEWS HUB ★★★★★)
“A powerful installation… Huge praise must go to [the creators] for choosing this subjective matter [depression] and tackling it with poise, always giving their subjects levity.”
“Vince is a dedicated and fluid performer, who allows the audience to seamlessly enter into the world of each individual, as she interprets their testimony.” (MENTAL MOVEMENT MAGAZINE ★★★★)
Reviews of I Got Dressed In Front Of My Nephew Today by Feral Foxy Ladies:
“[Vince] has a genuinely overwhelming confidence and commanding stage presence; her treatment of her own body (as character and as performer) is brave and moving, and she holds the audience’s attention and the show’s high energy (seemingly) effortlessly.” (EDINBURGH SPOTLIGHT ★★★★★)
“A staggeringly deft one-woman performance… both comedic and tragic in just the right measures to create something beautiful.” (A YOUNGER THEATRE ★★★★)
Reviews of Unprescribed by The Sun Apparatus:
"Vince is superb as Blink, a manic glint in her eye and a steel rod in her posture." (THE STAGE)
“Insightful, hilarious and seriously terrifying… [Vince is] one of the best performers I have witnessed in fringe theatre” (THE OPEN DOOR ★★★★)
“witty and expertly delivered… A dynamic all-female cast lead this bizarre yet effortlessly funny production” (THE UPCOMING ★★★★)
"[Vince is] brilliant, confident, dry and extremely funny” (EDINBURGH SPOTLIGHT ★★★★)
“Smart, sexy, surreal… a hugely enjoyable hour of inventive insanity.” (BROADWAY BABY ★★★★)
Reviews of The ME by The Sun Apparatus:
“[Vince] treads the thin line between hilarious and tragic with utter believability... Four women with a penchant for making the surreal real, for delivering comedy with a precision. They grace each exuberant and strange character with a solid physicality.” (EXEUNT)
“such confidence and skill, engulfing me in the surreal world of their play… such creative and thought provoking theatre.” (NORTH EAST THEATRE GUIDE★★★★)